
Showing posts from September, 2019

How do you Repair Bad Credit Score in 30 days

Here are some ways to repair a credit score in 30 days: Correct any errors on the credit report. Become an authorized user. Raise your available credit. Negotiate. Make minimum payments on time. Reduce the debt-to-income ratio. Have a good mix of debt. most times doing all these doesn’t guarantee your score going as high as you may wish, so if you need more help to raise your score and repair your credit report, I would recommend mymoneykarma, as I have hired mymoneykarma has proven to be more than capable in fixing credit report errors and getting the job done in the shortest possible time.

What Kind of Errors Could Turn Up on Your Credit Report?

Your credit report may contain credit report errors like such as incorrect name, address, gender, and erroneous identity numbers like PAN, Aadhaar, or date of birth. These credit report errors do not affect your credit score. You do need to get them rectified nonetheless. There are some mistakes could Turn up on your Credit Score down There could also be mistakes in the payment dates, account status, date of loan closure, etc. Such mistakes are severe and will affect your credit score. Your loan application could get rejected or you could be blacklisted by banks due to these errors on your credit report. If you find one of these mistakes, you need to act immediately. Common Errors on Credit Report  Your Personal Information Was Entered Incorrectly Someone Else’s Information Showing Up on Your Report Out-of-Date Information Incorrectly Being Shown as an Account Owner Duplicate Accounts Incorrect Details About Your Accounts What to Do If You Find an Error on You...